| Marmorex SRL Arad Marble processing services. Marble for construction. Plates and custom shapes. |
22 companies from neighbors counties( Timis, Bihor, Hunedoara, Cluj ) acting in domain Constructions, section Special Building Material. |
| Cerasil SA Oradea Inorganic pigments for paints and gels. Manufacturer of ceramic. Concentrates/fodder for p.... | | Cerasind SRL Turda Insulators and insulating materials. Manufacturer of ceramic. | |
| Electroceramica SA Turda Electronically components manufacturer. Manufacturer of ceramic. Insulators and insulating.... | | Helios SA Astileu Refractory materials and products. Manufacturer of construction materials. Sale of building materials. | |
| Marmosim SA Simeria Marble processing services. Marble for construction. Plates and custom shapes. Sale of bui.... | | Minexfor SA Deva Mineral water manufacturer. General car service. All car brands. | |