| Tecnowash 2000 Impex SRL Arad Equipment for car washing service. Air compressors. Supplier for hot air generators for co.... | | Tehno Tekh SRL Arad Retail sale of household goods. Sale of accessories for electrical networks. Retail trade of plastics. Metal and chemical store. Electrical .... | |
44 companies from neighbors counties( Timis, Bihor, Hunedoara, Cluj ) acting in domain Household, section Hardware & Houseware. |
| Azur Comimpex SRL Deva Retail hardware items, household items, detergents, paints, varnishes, sanitary ware, car maintenance items. | | Juxtacris Impex SRL Oradea Mops, cotton producer, importer and distributor of household and household articles, plastic packaging distributor. | |
| Metalul-Mesa SA Salonta For mechanization. construction. Commodity marketing use. Metal for different uses. Retail sale of household articles. | | Daho Serv SRL Ghiroda Processing and marketing of household toilet paper (for toilet), pulp white and pink toile.... | |
| Dornada Trans SRL Beius Non-food oils and lubricants. Retail trade in textile products. Household and housekeeping items. | | Euro 5 SRL Cluj-Napoca Equipment and supplies for cleaning industry. Vacuum cleaners and cleaning equipment. Mach.... | |
| Metalica SA Oradea Manufacturer of household items and housekeeping tools. Household and housekeeping items. | | Minosto Com SRL Oradea Wholesale of household goods. Equipment and tools for gardens and gardening. | |
| Perind SA Oradea Brushes, lime brushes and painters for paintings. | | PIF SRL Timisoara Manufacturer of various garments. Toys production. Folk art, ethnography and folklore. | |