| Aitrans SA Aiud Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Authorized station for periodical inspection. Car Reviews. Sale of car accessories .... | | Autotrans SA Alba Iulia Domestic and international road transport. Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Domestic and international road transpor.... | |
25 companies from neighbors counties( Sibiu, Hunedoara, Cluj, Mures ) acting in domain Transport, section Road Travelling International. |
| Atlassib SRL Sibiu International passenger transport system. Domestic and international road transport of pas.... | | Autogara Dej International passenger transport system. | |
| B.M.T.Trans SRL Medias Domestic and international road transport of passengers. | | Bat Medias SA Domestic road transport. Domestic and international road transport of passengers. General car service. All car brands. Domestic and internat.... | |
| Transmixt SA Sibiu Domestic and international road transport of passengers. Inland goods transport. Domestic road passenger transport. Domestic and internation.... |